const isFunction = (fn) => (typeof fn === 'function')
* Hook
* @public
* @typedef {function} Hook
* Hookable function, accepts a Hooks as last arguments
* @public
* @typedef {function(...args: arguments, hooks: Hooks): Promise} Hookable
* Hooks
* @public
* @class Hooks
class Hooks {
* Create a Hooks
* @param {Object<string, Hook>} [hooks] - Some hooks
* @return {Hooks} - This Hooks
constructor (hooks) {
// assign hooks to this
Object.assign(this, hooks)
export default Hooks
* Makes a function hookable
* @protected
* @param {function} fn - A function to make hookable
* @throws {TypeError} - When argument is not a function
* @return {Hookable} - The Hookable function, {@link Hooks} as last arguments
export function hookable (fn) {
if (!isFunction(fn)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a function')
* {@link Hookable} function
* @protected
* @param {...arguments} [args] - The function arguments
* @param {Hooks} [hooks] - {@link Hooks} (`pre`, `post`, `error`, ...Hooks)
* @throws {Error} - When error
* @return {*} - The function return value
return async function hook (...args) {
// remove latest hooks from args if any
const latest = args[args.length - 1]
const hooks = latest instanceof Hooks ? args.pop() : new Hooks()
// get 'pre', 'post', 'error', and function hooks
const { pre, post, error, ...fnHooks } = hooks
try {
// pre hook
if (isFunction(pre)) pre(...args)
// await for function (call w/ function hooks)
const value = await fn(...args.concat(fnHooks))
// post hook
if (isFunction(post)) post(value, ...args)
// return value from function
return value
} catch (e) {
// error hook
if (isFunction(error)) error(e, ...args)
// re-throw
throw e